Stand and Speak Challenge


People have many reasons (excuses?) for avoiding speaking, but no matter what yours are, we’ll give you some practical, confidence building strategies to persuade, influence and inspire that you can implement immediately.



Date: Third Tuesday of every month, 12:00 – 1:00 pm MST

For a long time, being a good speaker was seen as a positive asset for leaders (or those aspiring to be one) or a way of gaining an advantage over colleagues or business competitors. Now it’s truly a necessity. Why?

  • In this age of digital technology, you need to amplify your voice and get your message out there or your colleagues and competitors will beat you to it.
  • Even if you aren’t ‘selling’ yourself or your services (News Flash: We’re all in sales!) You’ll you will be speaking to someone, sometime, somewhere.

This webinar will give you some immediately applicable strategies to jump start your speaking skills – no matter what setting you do it in.


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